For many men, it is a lot of pressure to be a provider, a protector and a source of emotional support for his family. So when it is time for them to re-charge, many men will sit down in their comfy chair/couch, watch some sporting events or play a few video games. During this re-charge time, they may indulge in drinking alcoholic beverages, eat high fat foods: pizza, chicken wings, or hamburgers, munch on crunchy salty snack foods: pretzels or potato chips, etc. After a while, these re-charge choices start to have a not so re-charging affect!! Weight gain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lack of energy, low moods, and even depression may be the outcome of guys ‘re-charging’ time. Trying to get a guy to change how he re-charges, may not be the easiest for you to do but by encouraging him to change, it may be the best gift you could ever give him!! Here are some ways to help a guy learn to re-charge and create a healthier lifestyle, the raw and fit way!
1. Purchase a gym membership for a guy and for yourself (if you don’t already have one). It’s been scientifically proven that men will stay committed to an exercise program when they have an exercise buddy. Along with being his workout buddy, both of you will enjoy the time spent together.
2. Prepare some delicious raw foods dishes for guys. They can be as simple as: fresh delicious seasonal fruits cut up in pieces, raw crunchy vegetables served with healthy raw nut cheeses, a hearty salad with various greens and dehydrate fruits and raw nuts served with a savory raw dressing.
3. Give a guy a water purifier along with an environmentally friendly water bottle. As part of the gift, have the water purifier installed. That way, this gift won’t end up in the garage as part of the home improvement project to do list! Once it is installed, fill up his water bottle and encourage him to drink plenty of delicious water. Guys will be amazed at how wonderful he feels after a few days of healthy hydration.
4. Buy a book! If the guy is a reader, purchase a raw foods lifestyle book or a book written to assist guys on how to create his own personal fitness program. A guy can read about how a raw food lifestyle will provide delicious ways for him to create healthy dishes filled with enzymes, oxygen, and necessary nutrients to re-charge his body, mind, and spirit! A personal fitness program themed book will give guys some insight on how to create fun and enjoyable ways to incorporate exercise as a part of his lifestyle. The best way to find books a guy would enjoy, go to Amazon.com and search for raw food lifestyle and health and fitness programs. Read through the reviews. I have found the reviews to be an excellent way to find informative books on these subjects.
5. Patience!! Yes, being patient with guys as they start to create a healthier lifestyle is a gift!! It takes 21 days or more for someone to become comfortable with any new habit or thought process. When guys start to create a healthier lifestyle, your patience will be the added support for them to be successful. Know that guys may not stick to a healthier raw food lifestyle or exercise program all the time. What matters is that they consistently choose healthier options over the long run for lasting changes over their life time. As they move through those 21 days, they will begin to feel better! As they feel better, they will continue to choose healthier options. Let guys know you will be patient with them and support them as they create a healthier lifestyle, the raw and fit way!!