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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fuel your Renewal and Energize YOU!

March 20, 2010, marks the first day of Spring, known as the vernal equinox. It also represents a day of renewal!! Here are seven ways to put more spring into spring, fuel your renewal and ENERGIZE YOU!!

1. Energize your salads, sandwiches, and soups with sprouts. Sprouts are rich in enzymes, vitamins, and micronutrients. They are an awesome way to add more raw into your healthy meals! You can even sprout your own Sprouts!! It’s easy and fun.

2. Bring more spring into your food shopping. The warmer temperatures of spring brings more outdoor events. One of my favorites: a visit to one of the local farmers markets. While I am there I purchase locally grown vegetables and fruits. It’s energizing to smell and touch their freshness. You will definitely taste the delicious difference!!

3. Create an energizing green salad! Delicious greens fuel your body with wonderful living raw nutrients! One of my favorites: mix any green leaf vegetable with chopped cucumber, red onion, tomatoes, yellow peppers and orange peppers. Toss with a little bit of Grapeseed oil and Ume vinegar. Season with sea salt, dulse and unhulled raw sesame seeds. You can even add sprouts to the mix! YUM!!

4. Walk or run outside. Your body will be renewed with all the fresh scents of spring and the wonderful rays of sunlight!! Just a few minutes of direct sunlight on your bare skin increases your Vitamin D, which boosts your Calcium absorption.

5. Enjoy moments of awareness with Mother Nature. Grab a comfortable chair, move it outside. Sit comfortably, with your spine tall, and place your hands on both sides of the lower portion of your rib cage. Breathe deeply into the space between your hands. Take a deep breath in through your nose and a deep breath out through your mouth. Repeat for ten cycles. Connect the pathway between your breath, your body, and your thoughts! This process will fuel your body with more awareness and oxygen. It’s the easiest, fastest, and best way to renew your bodymindspirit!

6. Stretch your body! Learn a few yoga moves or stretches. Make them a part of your morning start. You can even perform them mid-day. Stretching releases tension and increases the feel good chemicals in your body. It’s the ultimate in renewing and energizing YOU!!

7. Fuel your mind with positive and energizing affirmations, mantras, and quotes! Choose ones which support the accomplishment of your personal and professional goals, healthy eating plan, fitness program, etc. I enjoy printing them and posting them in places where I can see them through my day. It’s one of my favorite ways to energize my thoughts! One I’ll be posting to fuel my renewal:

"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country." Anais Nin