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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I've been EVOLVING!
Just like the name of my business. I've been evolving.... not only my wellness but.... MANY aspects of my life.
It's been a roller coaster of anxiety, happiness, joy, frustration, know...all those feelings YOU may start to have when you just THINK about personal/professional CHANGE!!

MOST of all, it's been ENLIGHTENING and EXCITING!
Part of the excitement is the launch of my new fitness program!!! A program that is RADICAL and DIFFERENT and LIFE CHANGING!!
If YOU would like to experience it, I'm giving an introductory class
in Sarasota on Tuesday, June 7, from 6-7 pm at Elite Fitness!! For more about the class or to register for the class email me at

Also, I'll be launching a new website, a new blog and some new projects. VERY SOON!!

Want to learn more about my journey, the new projects and interesting articles about fitness and wellness?
Connect with me on my Evolving Wellness Facebook page.

I'll also be sending out emails to announce: more classes, launches and other FUN happenings I'm creating!!

What have YOU been up to since we last connected? I'd love to hear about the wonderful things happening in your world!!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting frontier for a wellness aspect of life. I'm very curious of what's gonna happens next. Reading about coconuts are for now my focus at. How about coconut oil?
